Personal Life coaching
Life has a way of throwing obstacles - and opportunities - at us and sometimes it's difficult to tell one from the other. I love helping my clients work through how to hurdle the things that are getting in their way in order to grab the positive future they want.
As a Personal Life Coach, I’m aware that people bring their whole selves to my sessions. Although they might contact me with a specific area that needs development or clarity, as a coach my skills allow me to identify if it’s necessary to consider wider elements of their life too. Perhaps their work life, relationships or even their current health.
Using Performance Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) skills, I can help you pinpoint exactly what you want to achieve, and guide and support you as you move towards your goal. As a coach I’m not here to tell you what to do, my skills allow me to listen to you and identify exactly the right approach to help you find the answer you need. Once you’ve identified that, our sessions guide and support you towards your goals. Helping you to achieve the change you’re seeking.
My coaching style is relaxed and friendly and no two session plans are the same. I tailor my approach to you and your specific situation. As a personal life coach, I know the importance of treating everyone as an individual.
Utilise A Personal Life Coach
It's often the case that I hear from people who know that they need some type of change to their current way of life but have no idea what. My ‘Life MOT’s’ allow me to use my coaching skills to consider all areas of your life and identify where the improvement opportunities are. I’ve seen people achieve great results from this initial lack of clarity in their life, and it’s always a privilege to help these people build the confidence to achieve the change they’ve identified.
In order to achieve maximum success, I like to work with a client in bundles of three sessions. This allows us to break a larger change into small goals so that change can be experienced as soon as possible.
I'd love to help you with some Personal Life Coaching - if you’d like to chat through further please either call or email, or click the button below, to schedule a free initial chat.

Webinar: Boost your recovery from Post-Viral Fatigue (PVF)

Post Viral fatigue can feel very worrying and frustrating - but the great news is that it's usually very possible to recover from it. However it's vital that you know the right actions you should be taking, and avoid pushing yourself too much, too quickly.
If you'd like to be reassured that you're taking the right approach - and quite possibly pick up a few more helpful pieces of advice - this Webinar is for you!
I'm co-hosting the event with Linda Sims - a Nutrition Therapist with a great deal of experience in helping people overcome health challenges such as extreme fatigue. Along with my experience of helping many people improve how they're living with ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), this makes us perfectly placed to be able to share the key actions that can help you boost your recovery from post-viral fatigue.
Linda and I have both been encouraged by the reports indicating that new cases of Covid-19 are falling, but we’re also very aware that many people are suffering repercussions long after they stop being an ‘official statistic’. Even the healthiest of people can find themselves struggling to get back to full health after a viral infection. But there are things you can do to ensure you’re giving yourself the best possible chance of a fast and successful recovery, and we’d love to help you with that. Whatever the reason that you find yourself tackling Post-Viral Fatigue, the fundamental approaches are the same. There's plenty of advice online but it's all fairly two-dimensional, so this webinar will allow us to bring that advice to life for you, and provide some practical tips as to how to make the necessary adjustments to your life.
By far the best and most affordable way to bring this advice to life for you is via a small group Zoom call - ensuring you gain a complete understanding about the key things you should be focussing on. It’ll also give you the chance to ask us any questions you still have.
Sessions will be fairly short - around 45 minutes - and we’ve kept numbers low, with only 12 spaces on each. These factors will help to avoid things becoming too tiring and overwhelming for you, which you may find happens more easily when you have PVF. There’s a small attendance fee of £5, which can be discounted against our usual session fees if you’d like to access the continued support that our one-to-one sessions provide.
The great news is that it’s usually absolutely possible to recover from post-viral fatigue - so let us help you to ensure you’re doing all of the right things to allow this to happen as quickly and successfully as possible. Here are the links to book a place on one of the events - please share with anyone you think might be interested.
9th July at 5pm - expired
10th July at 11am - expired
23rd July at 6pm - sold out
5th August at 6pm - sold out
3rd September at 6pm - sold out
6th October at 6pm - now sold out
29th October at 6pm - now sold out